
lördag 19 oktober 2013

Enjoying Gothenburg/Göteborg

Spending this weekend in my hometown with my three kids aged 10, 6 and 3. Here are lots of stuff to do with them but today we satisfied with a fleamarket and some shoeshopping followed by a visit at the playground.

Tomorrow though, we're going to their absolute favouritemuseum, Universeum! (, were they will get the chance to meet and pet a real snake, watch sharks, experience space and much much more. This museum is not a budgetpleasure, costs about 50 euros for a family but it's worth every penny, Ivpromise! We usually stay for several hours, cause their is so much to see, do and learn. And i know there are some guidetours/activities in english too ;)

Also there are good picknick-areas at top and groundfloor if you want to bring your own food, the last one accompanied with a playground for the youngest when they need a break from all the exciting animals, experiments etc.

If you prefer to buy lunch at the museum there's a good and child-friendly restaurant with food for all ages, even babyfood!

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